

TechnoServe’s business solutions to poverty are transforming lives and creating lasting change around the world. As TechnoServe’s director of marketing and communications, Jennifer Grizzard Ekzarkhov moved the organization out of a static state of communications (driven mostly by press releases posted to the outdated website) to a dynamic, proactive state. Upon arrival, she immediately set integrated strategy to enhance awareness of TechnoServe’s programs and increase financial support for the organization and its mission.

Following an initial recharge of the organization’s communications and marketing efforts, Jennifer led an 18-month process to refresh the brand of the (then) nearly 45-year-old organization. Working with Brotherton Strategies and Kite, Inc. she socialized the branding process and results to a staff of 1,000 in nearly 30 countries, a sprawling network of partners and funders, and thousands of supporters and stakeholders. No easy feat, considering many of them had been present for previous branding efforts that had failed to take hold.

Jennifer then lead her team through a systematic infusion of the new brand into everything that TechnoServe does. Beyond developing the communications and marketing strategy needed to reach organizational outreach goals, she and her team tackled the task of implementing the brand across the organization’s functions. She worked with HR to integrate brand into performance appraisal process and create a brand onboarding module for new staff. Tools were also developed for programmatic and business development staff to use in the field and in proposals. The process was so thorough and strong that even five years after her departure, TechnoServe is still seen as a model amongst its peer organizations of how to do branding right.

Header image: coffee cherries © Facebook photo by Counter Culture Coffee Durham

TechnoServe works with enterprising people in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses and industries.

Marketing and communications strategy / Brand development and implementation /Process development